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Clarkstown Soccer Club

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Coaches Corner

Help! I Volunteered to Coach!
Many first time coaches volunteer or are volunteered to the job. First things first…Relax.  Relax and think about how much fun you are going to have with these little soccer players.
  • All Coaches Must attend the pre-season meeting 
  • All Coaches MUST completed a Risk Management forms - See Below
  • Contact all players on their team no later then the 3rd week in August at set up first practice
  • Should run at least 1 practice (recommend 2 for 2nd grade and up) a week during the season and a few preseason practices.
  • Attend the Free Coaches Clinics provided by the league at no cost. 
  • BE ON TIME to all games and practices. 
  • Open communication with the league and parents on your team.
  • Have FUN. - In order for our players to enjoy them selfs Coaches must enjoy the game as well.  This is a intramural league and we are here to have fun and enjoy the game.
 Goal: Create a fun, learning soccer environment for your players in training and in games.
  • Talk to the Program Director and request helpful coaching materials and coaching aids.
  • Talk to other Soccer Coaches in the program or in your community who have worked with these age groups before.
  • Call your State Youth Soccer Association and request helpful coaching materials and coaching aids.
  • Call your State Youth Soccer Association and ask to speak with the State Director of Coaching about specific age appropriate coaching courses and age appropriate training materials.
  • Call US Youth Soccer at 1.800.4SOCCER or visit their web site at and request and/or order helpful coaching materials and coaching aids.
  Coaches - Code of Conduct    - Please review and email us at if you have any questions.  

Team Management

Prepare a list of simple and clear rules for your players and their parents. Conduct a preseason meeting to review these rules and to go over other important information and to complete important administrative paperwork.
Consider the following:
  • Schedules and locations for training sessions and games.
  • Drop off and pick up times for training sessions and games.
  • Player responsibilities and behavior at training sessions and games.
  • Parent responsibilities and behavior at training sessions and games.
  • Player equipment (soccer ball, shin pads, soccer shoes or sneakers, water, appropriate clothing).
  • Coaching equipment (soccer balls, 25-30 cones, basic first aid kit, small cooler of ice and zip lock bags).
  • Fill out program registration forms and medical release forms.
  • Discuss the procedure for canceling training sessions and games.
  • Discuss your philosophy of coaching…it’s about player development, not winning and losing!


Pre-Season Coaches Meeting

The Clarkstown Soccer Club will hold its annual coaches meeting towards the end of August.  The date, time and location will be emailed to all coaches at the start of August. 

The Clarkstown Soccer Club will also hold an annual coaches clinic.  All head coaches are expected to attend a pre-season coaches clinic, which includes the following:

1. administrative overview

2. equipment distribution

3. coaches instructional session

Coaches attending should dress to participate in on-field sessions (athletic clothing). Assistant coaches are welcome to attend. Coach clinics are scheduled prior to the start of the season. Additional details available  HERE


Kindergarten and 1st Grade Coaches Information 

Risk Management Background Check and Concussion Policy

Risk Management required for all Coaches, Assistant Coaches and Team Managers
  • Provide proper age appropriate activities at training sessions and games.
  • Assure that training and playing areas are safe.
  • Make sure that all players are wearing the correct equipment and that it is appropriately sized.
  • Make sure that you are assisted by another adult when coaching the players (This includes the time when players arrive and when they depart from training sessions and games).
  • Create a plan for any medical emergencies/injuries.

Procedure for Say Soccer Risk Management Background Check

  • Navigate to the SaySoccer Risk Management Background Check website: Click HERE
  • In the Registration  Pick Volunteer and follow the steps.  

Procedure for SAY National Concussion Policy

This policy is required for ALL coaches and officials regardless of their age and/or status (i.e. Head coach, Assistant Coach, Head Referee, Assistant Referee, etc.). These procedures are designed to comply with recently passed legislation concerning concussion in youth sports. It will be necessary to complete a concussion training course every three (3) years.

Coaching Education and resources

The Clarkstown Soccer Club has partnered up with "TheCoachingMannual".  The Coaching Manual is a resource built for soccer coaches who want to improve their understanding of coaching, find real practical sessions which they can use and accelerate the development of their players by creating a first-class soccer learning environment.

Coaches can login HERE 
Click Here for a Demo of the software

Also the Clarkstown Soccer Club will host a number of coaching courses thoughout the year. If interested email

Kindergarten and 1st Grade Coaching Guide

2nd and 3rd Grade Coaching Guide

Switch the Pitch

Interactive and experiential, Switch the Pitch is a first-of-its-kind opportunity for coaches and youth players to take action to make the game and the world more inclusive and equitable for all. Switch the Pitch unites the soccer community behind anti-racist education and action.  For more information please CLICK HERE


Coaches can utilize the free Stack Team app to manage schedules, player availability, and other detail through their mobile phone.

The app is free, and syncs with Sports Connect rosters and schedules.

Teams will be synced by the program manager and automatic alerts will be sent directly to families associated with each team



The Clarkstown Soccer Club secures a number of local fields in the area that can be used by teams to practice over the course of the fall season.  These fields are both local town fields and school fields.  Please do not practice on any field or location that is not listed below.  For insurance and liability issues teams need to use the fields on the dates and times posted on the website. 

The Clarkstown Soccer Club dose not dictate when teams can practice rather than just provide the permits for these fields.  It is up to the coaching staff in discussion with the team on when and where these practices will take place.   Please note multiple teams might set practices the same time as your team so please share the space as needed.  

Please see the permits information HERE

Weather Safety

Lightning Policy

The United States Soccer Federation (USSF) position is that if you can hear thunder you are within reach of lightning and that referees must protect the safety of all participants by stopping game activities quickly, so that participants and spectators may retire to a safer place before the lightning threat becomes significant. Applying the 30-30 rule is recommended and to wait 30 minutes or more after hearing the last thunder before leaving shelter.

Heat Guidelines

We follow the guidelines  of the United States Soccer Federation (USSF).  We are located in Cat 2 which means no Soccer Practices when temperatures  are above 89.9 - Full Guidelines can be found here 

Cold Weather Guidelines

We follow the guidelines  of the United States Soccer Federation (USSF).  Full Guidelines can be found here





Practices and games may be cancelled for a variety of reasons, primarily due to inclement weather or unplayable field conditions.

Cancellations due to inclement weather and/or closed fields is communicated by email, social media, and in the future a new text service (the club is no longer utilizing Be sure your mobile number is up to date in your account, and you've opted into the alert service.

Games may be canceled due to unplayable field conditions and/or inclement weather. In the absence of communication from the club about these situations, the responsibility for determining whether a match is played is that of the referee. COACHES DO NOT CANCEL GAMES DUE TO WEATHER.

Head coaches with multiple teams will have their game schedules de-conflicted. In the event a conflict exists, notify your program manager immediately to allow as much time as possible to reschedule.

Rescheduling due to any other reason is very difficult, given the number of factors (field space and availability, the length of the season, other peoples' schedules, etc.). In the event a Head coach is unavailable, they should first check with their Assistant coach about leading the team in their absence.

In the event a game must be rescheduled, the requesting Head coach should contact their program manager as soon as possible (at least two week's notice) with specific details:

* Original date of the game
* Original time of the game
* Original location of the game
* Opponent's team name
* Reason for changing the game
* Available days/times to make up the game


Location of Players, Coaches, and Spectators:

1.Teams (coaches and players)

The two teams will be positioned on one side of the field and all spectators will be located on the opposite side of the field across from their team. All coaches and substitutes must stay within their Technical Areas. All spectators must stay between the top of the penalty area, and at least three (3) yards behind the touchline. No one will be permitted behind the goal line.

2. Spectators:
Spectators must remain behind designated lines at the playing fields during game play, and may not stand at the ends of the field. Team players and Coaches must be on one side of the playing field and the spectators must be located on the opposite side. Only registered and approved adults may be on the team sideline.

3. Coaches on the Field:
Only during Mini Soccer (Kindergarten and younger) are coaches allowed on the field to help instruct the players. It is up to the referee to place the ball on the goal kick mark or in place for a corner kick.  For 2nd grade Coaches are allowed on the first for the first 2 weeks of the season as they move to the bigger 7v7 field.  

Referee Reminders:

There is ZERO TOLERANCE toward referee abuse. To read more about the state of officiating in youth sports, and to help improve it, read the following articles:

“Verbal abuse from parents, coaches is causing a referee shortage in youth sports” (from Washington Post)

Referees – Be Part of the Solution (article from Red Fanzine May 2017)

"Competitive Balance" Rule (methods to avoid blow-out results):

Even though Age Group Coordinators make every attempt to balance the relative strength of teams in a particular age group, there are frequently cases where relatively weak teams play games against considerably stronger teams. Running up the score by a margin greater than five goals lessens the enjoyment of the game for the opposing team, and in an effort to promote good sportsmanship, Clarkstown Soccer prohibits its coaches from “blowing-out” other teams in all age groups.
While Clarkstown Soccer recognizes it is hard to keep the stronger team engaged in the game, it is much more important that they learn good sportsmanship. Please note that only at the Grades 1-4 age groups are more players added on the field when a “blow-out” occurs (see Law 3 Paragraph F in the Clarkstown Soccer Modifications to FIFA Laws of the Game).

Advice to Clarkstown Soccer Coaches:
There are several methods that coaches of stronger teams can employ when it appears that the game score is getting out of hand before the goal differential is 4:

  • Have all players exclusively use their “weaker foot” for passing, ball control, and shooting
  •  Designate players who have not yet scored goals as the only ones who are allowed to shoot (other players have to feed them the ball).
  •  Place stronger players in primarily defensive positions and encourage them to pass to the weaker players.
  •  Set special conditions for their players before they are allowed to score (i.e., complete three to five passes before shooting).
  •  Limit the number of players in your offensive half of the field.

Referee Actions

Referees have been instructed to remind coaches of the “competitive balance” rule so they can make every attempt to prevent the situation from worsening. If a coach refuses to correct the problem then the Referee will note that fact in the Referee Game Report. The Referee Game Report will be submitted within 48 hours so that the assignors can contact the appropriate league officials who will take the necessary corrective action against the offending coach. During a potential “competitive balance” situation in Grades 1-4 matches, Referees will use the procedures in Law 3, Paragraph F to attempt to mitigate the “Blow-out.” Actions taken by a coach to avoid the blow out will still be a matter of record in the Referee’s game report. All Grades 5-8 and U16-U19 teams are expected to manage competitive imbalances. While enforcement is only possible on Clarkstown fields, it is expected that all teams carry the spirit of good sportsmanship with them as they match with teams outside of Clarkstown.

Goals Must be Secured!

No games in the 7v7, 9v9, and 11v11 formats are to take place if a goal is not anchored or secured with sand bags.. Do not ever pressure a young referee into playing a game under these unsafe conditions. If you show up to a field where goals need securing, send a parent for a few bags of sand and put them on the back of the goal. Under no circumstances should parents stand on the goal to hold it down. You could also keep a hammer in your coach’s bag. Sometimes the goals are jarred loose during mowing. There is usually a piece of rebar that can be hammered back down to secure the goal.

Please remember this rule is to keep all of our players safe. We never want to have a child hurt or killed by a falling goal.  If a game is cancelled due to the goals not being secured we will reschedule your game for a later date and time.

Contact Us

Clarkstown Soccer Club

PO Box 1961. 
New City, New York 10956


Clarkstown Soccer Club

PO Box 1961. 
New City, New York 10956

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